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Welcome to Runtime Debugger!

Runtime Debugger enables you to view,debug,and contorl your game in real-time from the browser.


  1. Import the RuntimeDebugger package to your project from the Unity Asset Store. How do I import an asset store package?

  2. Add an empty GameObject to your scene and add a RuntimeDebuggerBehaviour component to it. Please remember to save the current scene.

like this:

  1. Play your game in editor.

  1. Navigate to in your browser. You should see Runtime Debugger pop up.

  1. Click Connect. Now you can start to familiarize yourself with and use the RuntimeDebugger feature.


If an error is reported in the Unity project, the Newtonsoft-JSON plugin cannot be found, you can add it in the Unity Package Manager. Add package by name com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows (Win32 and UWP)
  • OSX
  • Android (+Meta Quest)
  • iOS


If you're unable to connect to Runtime Debugger, check the following:

  • Your game is running (not paused or in the background).
  • Both devices are on the same network.
  • The chosen port is open on the device.
  • Your device's firewall is not blocking the chosen port.
  • Your router's firewall is not blocking the chosen port.